Backgrounds Plus was proud to once again attend the VT SHRM Human Resource Conference. ( We were pleased to be able to re-connect with several clients we work closely with, and we met a number of new people who expressed interest in our services and products.
As always, we again stressed the “feet on the ground” research for background checks rather than the online information which continues to be problematic. Even in this electronic age some courts do not choose to participate in the program. With that, online results are simply not complete as they do not include arrests (pending, dismissed), but only conviction records. There is no such thing as a “national” criminal search. It breaks down to that the old adage says “you get what you pay for” — ask for a low value review, you’re going to get a low grade background check in return.
At our booth, we were holding a giveaway! Congratulations goes out to Hillary H. (of Red River) who was the winner of our $50.00 Visa gift card.
Thanks goes out to all of you who stopped by the booth to chat with us! We’ll see you next year.
— Peter and Anita